Tuesday, April 18, 2006

"Dr Livingstone I Presume"

One of Scotland's most famous figures was missionary pioneer David Livingstone. On this day in church history in 1874 the body of Livingston was buried at Westminster Abbey in London, although he died one year earlier in Africa on 1 May 1873. The story is told that he was found dead kneeling by his cot praying for Africa. Dr Livingstone was a relentless explorer who had an undaunting passion for Christ. Many remember him for his coast-to-coast travel throughout the rugged terrain of Africa. Over the coarse of his explorations, he impressively added over one million square miles to the map of Africa - in a day without GPS tracking systems!

For a good, brief overview of his life, check out this article from the Scotsman. For a more missiological take of his life, check out this biographical sermon preached my Jim Baird (former minister of First Presbyterian, Jackson, MS) entitled A Man for All Seasons.


Jack said...


I hate to be picky, but the proper spelling is "Livingstone." He was my grandmother's great uncle and I'm a former editor. I can't let these things get by unchecked.

The Tweeddales are very much in my prayers as you continue your studies. May God richly bless your studies and your experience across the pond.

-Jack Raplee

John W. Tweeddale said...
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John W. Tweeddale said...

Thanks Jack. Great to hear from you. We do keep up with you via your e-mails and blogsite. We are encouraged by your ministry and will keep you in prayer.

Thanks for the sp correction. Duly noted. Once an editor always an editor!