Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Helpful Articles

This morning I came across these two (well, really three!) helpful articles:

1. Dr Ligon Duncan linked this article about Archbishop of Sydney, the Most Rev Peter Jensen and his courageous stand against homosexuality. Speaking at a conference in New Zealand, the Archbishop said,

"The biblical ideal of sexual relationships specifically excludes same-sex relationships. The biblical teaching makes this a matter of spiritual life and death. That is crystal clear from both the Old and New Testaments...I say with all solemnity to those who say the blessing of same-sex unions is okay, and who will ordain clergy living in same-sex unions: How can you do this when the souls of those involved are in peril?"

2. Dr Al Mohler posted a two part response to The Da Vinci Code book and movie. Mohler has a knack for getting to the heart of issues, and this review is no exception. The fact that the book is filled with erroneous claims is widely known; likewise, the movie has received scathing reviews from critics. This seems to beg the question, why are so many folk interested in the book and movie? In other words, why do people prefer a lie to the truth? Here is Mohler's penetrating answer:

"If the true storyline concerning Jesus Christ was that He was merely a mortal prophet who came to establish an earthly dynasty and to help us all celebrate the divine feminine and be a part of His circle of knowledge and enlightenment, then the fact is that we do not have to think about the fact that we are sinners. If that is what the life of Jesus is all about, then it is not about how we must be redeemed from our sin, but rather about how we can simply be enlightened and informed. The truth is, the human heart would much rather be told it is uninformed than that it is sinful."

Click here for part one and here for part two (from which the above quote is taken). To listen to the address given at Covenant Life Church from which these articles are taken, click here.

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